Small grants scheme to benefit surviving wives, husbands, or partners of those who died before April 1991, and who have not yet received assistance from the small grants scheme.
Statistics suggest over 3,000 people who could claim up to £500.00 to enable recipients to purchase essential household items or services lay unclaimed.
For further information about the scheme contact the Fund on:
028 9052 7939.
Fermanagh Womens Aid.
66328898 - 90331818
Email complaints to the Lakeland Trust.
Complaintson trust hospital issues can be forwarded to the following e addy.
Help the aged UK. Appeal to any person above the age of 55 years to forward their good ideas on issues such as how to re structure their own neighbourhood and assist their community in making good the deterioration over the past years.
Community groups can apply for £1,000s from HelpThe Aged Millennium Awards.
Help The Aged Funding link
Support for Lone Parents
LocalVenues. Enniskillen, Fintona, Fivemiletown, Irvinestown, Lisnaskea.
Details of nearest meeting can be obtained by calling
02886 766330 or 02890 426812.
Home Start is a helping hand to the parents who may be facing very difficult times any time of the year and relies on volunteer assistants to become part of the network that cares for the family who need the help.
If you are a Parent or Grandparent you will know how valuable a break of a few hours a week is and if you can spare a few hours a week you could do a lot worse with your time than help those who NEED you.
Contact Linda or Maeve at 028 686 21970
Young Independent’s Group
Contact the Community Trust offices and see what is available in the area you live in, there could be computer courses to give your skills a boost for employment, or join the Community Re-Paint Project, they are a group of young people who assist other young folk who are moving into the first home with painting and decoration, or if your a bit older than 18 you can join them and become a mentor to the kids on the project? Contact the Young Independent’s Group by calling Sonia 028 66329242 or 0786647984, at the moment any donations of Paint in any home that would be discarded to the dump would be made most welcome for the repaint project and can be left at the FVAD Centre, Mill St Enniskillen.
Education Guidance Service for Adults.
Free, impartial information service with advice and guidance for adults wishing to return to, or progress in learning.
What ever the reason, hobby, top up skills or what ever contact this source as a huge reservoir of learning opportunities, spanning the whole spectrum of leisure, occupational and academic possibilities.
Tel: 028 8225 2669
Youth Leaders Training..
Applicants must be 20 years of age by Feb 28th 2003 and available for residential week, end of February.
Participation includes, first aid, child protection, outdoor activities, youth leadership, drugs and alcohol awareness, catering and computer / IT skills.
Activities include paint balling, quad bikes, canoeing, day trips, abseiling and adventure courses.
Residential centres in Armagh, Ballycastle, Donegal and Achill.
Next year international exchanges will be organised in Belgium, Sweden, and Portugal.
Cost of residential is £10.00 and training and activities thereafter is free.
An application form and further information may be obtained by contacting
028 71280048.
R.E.A.C.H. Residentials Educational Activities, Community Holidays.